If You Think You've Found Errors, Please Submit Them Here
Finally, a single place to inform me of any errors
Mistakes in the book writing process are extremely common. Every author makes some of the most asinine mistakes, leaving you wonder how they turn on their phone, let alone write a book. I’m notorious for making simple grammatical errors and glossing over important details. Blame it on my ADD or my frenetic thinking style. I’m a space cadet. But hey, I try, lol. Some people are sharper at catching my mistakes than I am. It happens all the time.
I’m also now realizing I should’ve given you all a place to submit errata (aka errors) you might spot while reading the drafts of this book on Substack. As much as I’d like for people to leave feedback and comments in one place, I get texts, social media messages, and random comments all over Substack regarding errors. And plenty of messages per day. It’s almost impossible to keep track of these, given the volume. If I’ve ignored your message, trust me, it’s not meant as a slight. I’m trying to track down all of those messages where I’m wondering, “I think so and so sent me a message to fix…something.” So, I’ve unintentionally created a lot of extra work for myself, which takes away from actually addressing the issues you’ve all submitted.
There are two general types of feedback - discussions about the material itself, and errors. Going forward, feel free to leave comments if the intention is to discuss the material in a general sense. I definitely love the commentary and discussion, so keep it coming.
If you think you’ve found an ERRORS, please add them to this errata form. Having all of the errata in one place will help keep me focused organized on addressing potential errors, versus the high friction hellscape I’ve currently created for myself.
Again your feedback and comments are amazing. Keep them coming!